Requests are INELIGIBLE if:
- Stakeholder is not in good standing with their facility.
- A stakeholder has received the full award in the last 12 months. (If the full amount was not awarded, the stakeholder may apply for the remaining balance).
- Requests are related to hour adjustments due to census.
Eligible award request (up to $750.00) include:
- Past due car repair or car loan payments.
- Utilities shut-off payment balance due.
- House eviction and housing assistance.
- Non-life-threatening medical emergency (For primary or immediate family members only).
- Life threatening medical or situational emergency for a stakeholder, or for a primary or immediate family member only (Including but not limited to cancer, domestic violence, etc.).
- Death of an immediate or primary family member (Please see definition under Additional Guidelines).
- Catastrophic loss of property due to natural disaster (Fire, flood, tornado, etc.).
- Domestic violence
In rare cases, the Signature Inspire Foundation will form a selection committee to consider requests for significant life events, crises, or situations that exceed our guidelines and parameters. This is not typical and is only done in extraordinary circumstances.
Additional guidelines:
- Emergency assistance is for Signature Stakeholders only.
- Stakeholders must be with Signature HealthCARE for six months and be in good standing.
- Both full and part-time stakeholders may apply.
- Emergency assistance requests should not be for common life occurrences such as routine car and home repairs, legal fees, garnishments, payday/ title loans, student loans, and living beyond one's means.
- Please note the definition of primary/ immediate family when submitting a request; Primary/ Immediate family includes your spouse and your dependent children. Parents and adult siblings of stakeholders are NOT considered primary/ immediate family, and therefore do not qualify for assistance.
- Exclusions to this defined charitable candidate include:
- Domestic violence
- Death of primary/ immediate family member
- Catastrophic loss due to a natural disaster (fire, flood, tornado, etc.)