Supporting with


The Compassion Fund is the emergency assistance arm of the Signature Inspire Foundation. The purpose is to provide relief for SHC Stakeholders who experience catastrophic events beyond their control and are unable to meet basic, every day needs.

All emergency assistance awards will be applied to a qualifying charitable candidate. All applicants must show financial need and must qualify with the industry best practice standard of defining charitable class as 350% times the federal poverty guidelines per person/ family members in a household.

  • Each request for emergency assistance will be evaluated by a selection committee.
  • Stakeholders will submit documentation to confirm their emergency as well as documentation to verify income requirements.
  • All documentation MUST BE IN PDF FORMAT. Screenshots or any other file type are NOT accepted.
  • Stakeholders on leave of absence are not eligible.

2025 Poverty Guidelines for the 48 Contiguous States & The District of Columbia

Source: United States Internal Revenue Service

Household/ Family Size 100% 350%
1 $15,650 $54,775
2 $21,150 $74,025
3 $26,650 $93,275
4 $32,150 $112,525
5 $37,650 $131,775
6 $43,150 $151,025
7 $48,650 $170,275
8 $54,150 $189,525
Requests are INELIGIBLE if:
Eligible award request (up to $750.00) include:

In rare cases, the Signature Inspire Foundation will form a selection committee to consider requests for significant life events, crises, or situations that exceed our guidelines and parameters. This is not typical and is only done in extraordinary circumstances.

Additional guidelines:


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